sábado, 13 de junho de 2015

I'm not loving you

when people ask me if  I've ever been in love, I try to not answer the question. The answer is yes,I've been in love. The people that know about are  sick of hearing about it, and the ones how don't know about, I don't want them to know. The only time in my life I was in love I got extremity heart broken. I was in love with a Boy that was my best friend at the time, we had been  talked for over a year but we had never met in person. He was like my pillar, i could tell him everything and not feel bad about it. he got me! I've never meet someone that I "clicked" so much with in till i met him. Everyone around me thought that our friendship was so stupid, because we never met, i really didn't care. Somehow we started to fall apart, a lot of things happened, very stupid thing that where meaning less and that took someone that i loved so much away from me...i did meet him before we stooped talking... but it nothing like i expected...
We are "friends" now but we don't even talk. he will always have a special place in my heart. I've moved on, it has been almost 2 year and since then I haven't found anyone like him.
I can although say that the last 2 years have been quite shit, that's probably why it took me so long to get over him. Having someone there when you most need its amazing ! But when they leave it hurts so much! and it makes everything that was hard before a million times harder.
so yes I've been in love and it was awesome, no he didn't love me back. It wasn't meant to work i guess.
I want to fall in love again but this time I want it to work. when your life is complicated falling in love is dangerous. But it may be worth the risk...

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